Connected Soil-Zones

Connected Soil-Zones

Evolution & adaption

By: Yuning Chen, Carolina Ramirez-Figueroa, David Farrier, Sophie Haines, Isla Myers-Smith
Interdisciplinary Workshop Outcome



During the workshop, we found the time of soil a fascinating theme. Being the fundamental element of life on earth, its succession timeline churns through many years of human history, agricultural activities, and climates. What if we connect our time according to the type of soil ecosystem that supports different livelihoods and forms of life? Will that allow us to tune into the deepest rhythm of our planet?


The pedosphere [1] is the skin layer of earth made of soil and subject to various soil formation processes. It forms the foundation of all terrestrial life on earth.

We use timezone to regulate the rhythms of ourselves and society according to the length of daylight. However, with many political and social complications behind the setup of time zones, this natural rhythm is not the only thing that time zones directs us to adhere to.

After all, the division of such a fundamental element (24+ types of time across the globe) is a form of division between different societies and cultures. Deeply understanding the ‘asynchronisations’ generated by time zones, some scientists [2] have been actively advocating for the abolishment of time zones and reconnecting the temporalities of different societies in a more effective way.





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