

Maike Gebker, Susanne Wieland & Larissa Pschetz

Bridging temporalities of bioremediation 

Video and image by Maike Gebker & Susanne Wieland

Bridging temporalities of bioremediation

70% of UK landscapes are shaped by agriculture [1]. Hedgerows once served as a safe passageway for wildlife to travel through these human (and machine) shaped habitats. However, with demands for higher productivity and adoption of larger agricultural machinery, the once omnipresent hedgerows have become ever more scarce; leaving behind scattered ecosystems and no safe corridors for migratory species, or species trying to scape hazards and predators.

In this project, we drew from recent UK programmes that aim to recover hedgerows to support wildlife recovery. We created Fendge, an structural intervention that acts as a refuge, habitat, and safe passage for a more-than-human group. The structure would be used to remediate areas impacted by the removal of hedgerows, serving as a quick-response, temporary structure implemented while a newly planted hedgerow becomes established.

The temporal bridge takes the shape of an artificial hedge element that decomposes over time, growing back into a functioning hedge habitat. It is 3D printed based on data available on species requiring refuge in a particular ecosystem. Its size and shape is individually generated based on regional needs and conditions such as occurrence of species, weather patterns and natural light availability. Through this temporal bridge, we want to give wildlife species a refuge until the actual hedgerow grows back, acting as a spatial and temporal placeholder and an impermanent prosthetic for the fragmented ecosystem.


[1]: https://hedgerowsurvey.ptes.org/

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